It is a special pleasure to share our 2020 Annual Report in spite of a Pandemic year. We have been heartened by the extraordinary financial support COL received last year. Your investment was never more timely. Those gifts sustained our daily operations, kept open and safe the many trails that were so rejuvenating to walk, and allowed us to acquire a truly unique ecological property (Sugarwood Forest). Thank you for helping COL sustain its mission.
Protecting the area’s natural habitat with property acquisitions through purchases, donations, and easements is one major component of our work. Once acquired, appropriately stewarding the land is a second and equally important responsibility. Public enjoyment of these natural settings necessitates numerous big steps. Safe access with off road parking, groomed trails, and user friendly signage is essential. Removing/controlling invasives and selectively restoring acreage to its natural state are also critical for the long term health of the preserves. All of this stewardship work, especially in light of so many recent acquisitions, requires time and funding. Your patience and support will be welcomed as we pursue these tasks.
Having successfully weathered an unprecedented year, COL moves into 2021 anticipating community members being able to fully enjoy the natural habitat of the area. Your continuing engagement with COL is sincerely appreciated.
David Eblen
Board President
“I had to have this place,” he says he thought.
George and his wife Andrea bought that farm from the Drier family—yes, the very same Driers who own the renowned butcher shop in Three Oaks—who had purchased the western 40 acres of the property in 1911 and added the eastern 40 in the late 1970s. George says he and Andrea met Ed Drier at the butcher shop to sign the contract. The deal was sealed with a friendly handshake and half a smoked ham that George and Andrea took home.
Since then, George and Andrea, along with their four children, seven grandchildren, and several dogs have enjoyed the property as a weekend retreat - exploring the woods, tapping maple syrup, and communing with nature.
And what a woods it is! Bordering Warren Woods State Park, the property includes a portion of one of the last remaining old-growth forests in Southwest Michigan, filled with towering beech and maple. Now long-since retired, George and Andrea were ready to sell some of the 80-acre property. But they were adamant that the woodland be preserved in its glorious natural state, just as they, and the Drier family before them, had painstakingly done.
So they came to Chikaming Open Lands. Would we like to acquire it? We didn’t have to think about it for very long. That incredible forest? Bordering the State Park? Yes, please.
George and Andrea offered to sell us the western 40 acres at a significant reduction from its market value, and more than 100 individuals and organizations participated in a campaign to raise the funds needed to complete the purchase of the property during the summer and fall. We closed on the property and officially acquired Sugarwood Forest Preserve in February 2021. Development of the management plan for the preserve is in progress to create public access with parking and a hiking trail system. We expect to fully open the preserve to the public in 2022.
“This piece of land, with its ravines and huge old growth trees, is in much the same condition as it has been for thousands of years,” says George. “My wife and I feel that it is important to preserve the land in perpetuity not only because it is awe-inspiring to see, but also because doing so allows [all of us] to experience what this area of Michigan was like… long before it was turned into farms and towns.”
When we acquire a property like Sugarwood Forest, or any of our nature preserves---raise the funds to complete the purchase, sign the papers, make the announcement, and install the new sign—it feels like the happy ending of a story. But at this point in the life of a nature preserve, the story is still very much unfinished. In fact, it’s just barely begun.
Because when we acquire a new preserve, we commit to protecting that swath of land in its natural state… forever. To honor that commitment, it is essential that we have a thorough, diligently executed plan for how we will maintain a healthy, balanced ecosystem on that land. How to keep the persistent invasive plants from taking over and crowding out all the native species that create habitat for wildlife. How to restore a degraded landscape through prescribed burns and seeding with native plant species. How to combat erosion, or restore a natural water flow.
Another important element of the plan? YOU. Because you and your fellow members of the community are a part of the story too. One of our highest priorities is creating welcoming and accessible shared places for you to enjoy nature. That means well-maintained trails, parking areas, trail markers, educational signage, benches and more.
So while we often think of a new nature preserve’s acquisition as the satisfying close of a land preservation story, it’s really just the first chapter in an epic tale. After all, in conservation, it’s the “happily ever after” part where the story really gets good!
Figures are under audit at time of publication. Audited 2020 financial statements will be available upon request once complete.
Figures are under audit at time of publication. Audited 2020 financial statements will be available upon request once complete.
Chikaming Open Lands wishes to acknowledge the following individuals and organizations for their generous support and assistance. Gifts listed were received January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. Note that in the event of multiple gifts, they have been totaled within the related sections. Please accept our sincere apologies for any unintentional errors or omissions and let us know by calling 1-269-405-1006 or emailing us at so that we may correct future listings.
Special thanks to the following donors, whose contributions made the named projects possible.
Reinhard & Patricia Abram
Don Ashley
Ed Bancroft & Patricia Collins
Marie Becker
Joanne Beertema
Alan & Cynthia Berkshire
Lee & Lisa Bloom
Merry Bolt
Nancy Bradt & Laury Lewis
Tim & Jackie Bryant
Mary Burke
The Carls Foundation
Joan Christ
Elizabeth Clough
Eric Covert
Maureen & Vaughn Culp
Patricia Curtner & Tim McGree
Steven Diller
Anne Durkin
Earl & Brenda Shapiro Foundation
David & Susan Eblen
Mac Eblen
Louise Edison
Douglas & Ellen Elrick
Lance & Brenda Feis
Nancy Felton-Elkins
Burton & Anne Fishman
Will & Bess Fitzgerald
David Foster & Melissa Wynne
Meg Foster & Christoph Bruns
Frank G. & Gertrude Dunlap Fund
Ellen Frankle
Michelle Geoga
Meredith George
Monica George
Kelly Golding
Renee & Gerald Grilec
Jason Grunebaum
Deborah Hall-Kayler & Allan Kayler
Terry & Lorraine Hanover
Victoria J. Herget & Robert Parsons
Cynthia Homan & Mary Kay Czerwiec
Dan & Sharon Hunter-Smith
Michael & Rosalind Keiser
Susan Kelly
Sue Koenigsberg
Helen Landes
Patricia Lauth
Brooke & Stephen Long
George Lucas
John MacManus & Josephine Bellalta
Rachel Maranto
Vince & Holly Maranto
Adam Marton & Julie Steinberg Marton
Susan Mercieri
Rob Miller & Diana Maldonado
Doug Morris
Stephen Needham
Jim & Judy Neuman
Jim & Diane Nothnagel
Caro Parsons
Werner & Sue Petterson
George & Andrea Platz
Ryan Postema
Bill & Mollie Purdy
Linda Puvogel & Michael O’Halloran
William & Nancy Racine
Elizabeth Raven
Laura Ray
Frank & Theresa Richter
Karen Ristau
Clay & Barb Robinson
Kathleen & Richard Schillo
Rex & Barbara Sessions
Lisa Sharmat
Larry Shulman & Rhonda Rochambeau
Anne & Paul Sidrys
Sally Smith
Stephen & Jean Smith
Richard & Nancy Spain
Marge & Ron Spears
Ursula Storb & Terry Martin
Mary Strahota
Paul & Anne Stumpf
Brian Summers
Bob Tatina & Nancy Baird
Margaret Thompson
Nancy & Michael Timmers
Peter & Jeanie Van Nice
Tana Vaughn & Don Meyer
Bob & Vickie Wagner
William Wagner
Nicollette Wands
Barbara Warren
Donna Wetzler & William Webb
Don White
Joanna Williams
Gregg & Susan Wilson
Jeanne & Errol Zimmerman
Mark & Lisa Zumbach
The Carls Foundation
Earl & Brenda Shapiro Foundation
Frank G. & Gertrude Dunlap Fund
The John C. Bock Foundation
The Land Trust Alliance
STS Foundation
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Conservation Circle members make annual gifts of $1,000 or more to Chikaming Open Lands.
Shirley Anderson
Alan & Cynthia Berkshire
Earl & Brenda Shapiro Foundation
Lance & Brenda Feis
Will & Bess Fitzgerald
Susan Flynn
Frank G. & Gertrude Dunlap Fund
Lisa Gregg & Randy Mitchell
Victoria J. Herget & Robert Parsons
Michael & Rosalind Keiser
Lakeside Cabins Resort
Steve & Peggy McCormick
Teri & Roger Rudich
Larry Shulman & Rhonda Rochambeau
Richard & Nancy Spain
Nancy & Michael Timmers
Peter & Jeanie Van Nice
David & Susan Eblen
Deborah Hall-Kayler & Allan Kayler
George Lucas
Meryle M. Merritt
William & Nancy Racine
Stephen & Jean Smith
Gregg & Susan Wilson
Lee & Lisa Bloom
Eugene & Meredith Clapp
Patricia Curtner & Tim McGree
Julie & Jeff Diermeier
Ellen Frankle
Stan & Ann Dudley Goldblatt
Scott & Laura Malkin
Jim & Judy Neuman
Rose Parisi & Donald Meckley
Caro Parsons
Kathy Pick
Bill & Mollie Purdy
Linda Puvogel & Michael O’Halloran
Laura Ray
Frank & Joanne Sims
Marge & Ron Spears
Lee & Susan Stahl
Robert Tomes & Cynthia Zeltwanger
Donna Wetzler & William Webb
Anna-Maria Adair
Roger Allen
Michael & Elaine Bednar
Bonnie Benson
Terri & Bill Breach
Tim & Jackie Bryant
Emily & Andrew Coolidge
Andy & Peg Cooper
Maureen & Vaughn Culp
Allison & Fred Daley
Ellyn Daniels
Laura DeFerrari & Marshall B. Front
Robert & Allison DeVilbiss
Michele & John Donley
Sharon & Rick Ellingsen
Joseph & Patti Jo Farago
Burton & Anne Fishman
Jean Follett
Peter & Megene Forker
Meg Foster & Christoph Bruns
Meredith George
John & Martha Gibson
Ryan Granholm
Melvin & Sue Gray
Scott & Rosemary Gunnison
Chris & Jessica Hehmeyer
Julia & Marty Hughes
Dan & Sharon Hunter-Smith
Vickie Kaiser
James Kartheiser & Katherine Kennedy-Kartheiser
Koch Family Foundation
Gerald & Beverly Kohn
Lynn & Eva Maddox
Robert McDermott & Sarah Jaicks
Clayton Miller
Stephen & Cindy Mitchell
Mary Anne Mullins
Bruce Murphy
Orbis Environmental Consulting
Donald & Muffy Parsons
James Parsons
Chris Pfauser & Rob Gow
The Pizzo Group
Ryan Postema
The Prairie Club
Prism Science & Technology
John & Jeanine Quinn
John Michael Rafkin & Anita Lavin
Frank & Theresa Richter
Clay & Barb Robinson
Dr. Paul S. Russell
Jo Anne Rydholm
Bob Scales & Mary Keefe
Rex & Barbara Sessions
Thomas & Carole Shortlidge
Anne & Paul Sidrys
Jim & Martha Stevens-Gingrich
Mary Strahota
Frank & Janis Tomecek
Errett & Julia Van Nice
Bob & Vickie Wagner
Terry & Jan Walsh
Don White
Nancy & Skip Aque
Tremaine Atkinson
Merry Bolt
Jackie & Stephen Bossu
Jane & Richard Campbell
Jeannine Cleary & Frank ten Brink
Elizabeth Clough
Joseph & Jill DeCamp
Julie Dorfman & Jerry Herst
Barry & Rebecca Friedland
Michelle Geoga
Frederic & Katherine Hickman
Cynthia Homan & Mary Kay Czerwiec
Cynthia & Jean Joho
Eileen & Rich Kochanny
Jurate & Carl Landwehr
Frank Lentine & Rita Stols
Elizabeth Malkin Haviland & Jordan Haviland
Adam Marton & Julie Steinberg Marton
Stephen & Katherine McCurdy
Margaret McCurry
Constance McKeague
Scott McKee, M.D.
Pamela Mearsheimer
Catherine Nowacki
Werner & Sue Petterson
Irwin & Andra Press
Kathleen & Richard Schillo
Judy Scully
Geoffrey Smith & Catherine Stewart
Bob Tatina & Nancy Baird
Stephanie Wind
Rebecca & David Wyman
Jeanne & Errol Zimmerman
Lloyd & Jo Ellen Anderson
John Asplin & Christine Orders
Leo Aubel & Aaron Dennison
Ed Bancroft & Patricia Collins
Leah & John Barnes
Marie Becker
Jenna Brunnell
Richard & Brenda Carlson
Gail Chapman
Deborah & John Chipman
Joan Christ
David & Dale Clarke
Kathryn Clarke & William Kaplan
John & Carmen Cordogan
Mark DeLancey
Bernadette Demisay
Steven Diller
Richard & Vicki DuFour
David Foster & Melissa Wynne
William Gibson & Steve Jenkins
Bruce & Carolyn Graham
Re’Lynn Hansen & Doreen Bartoni
Richard & Jean Ann Hughes
Laura & Fred Jolly
Lori & Steve Kaufman
Margaret Kohring
S. Michael Kozubek & Mary Swanton
Leo & Susan Krusack
Thomas & Martha Lindeman
Scott & Kathleen Loess
Benjamin Manthey
William & Shari Massey
Teachers Credit Union
Mary McPherson & John Gunnar Gooch
Michal Miller
Larry & Linda Mura
Elise Paschen & Stuart Brainerd
Heather Payne
George & Andrea Platz
Patrick & Rose Pollard
Louis & Barbara Price
Karen Ristau
Ron Rohde
Lou & Marilyn Rose
Robert Rosholt
Thomas Rossman
Ken & Jean Schiffer
Susan & Charles Schwartz
Reid & Franki Smith
Sally Smith
Birute Sonta
Amanda Stahlschmidt
Robert & Donna Stevenson
Ursula Storb & Terry Martin
Harold Streator
Timothy Sullivan, DVM & Mike Humphrey
Nancy Trainor
Paul & Susan Van Nice
James & Lorraine Veldman
Tim & Anne Walsh
Judith Wheeler
Mark & Lisa Zumbach
Joanne Beertema
Mary & Paul Binder
Nick & Sally Bogert
Nancy Bradt & Laury Lewis
Kirkwood & Mary Jane Brodie
Carol Brunkowski & Robert Blitstein
Bernie & Beth Dahl
Theresa Douglass
Douglas Dow & Pam Fiebig
Steve & Cindy Ellis
Thomas & Cheryl Farnham
Nancy Felton-Elkins
Jeanne & Bob Ganchiff
Greg & Trish Gerber
Anne Girton
Kevin & Melinda Haight
Ronald & Karen Horning
Nancy Johnson
Aaron & Leslie Kaminski
Michael Koch-Weser & Kristin Vondruska
Sue Koenigsberg
Patricia Lauth
Robin & Mariele McBride
Peggy McGrath
John McKee
Rob Miller & Diana Maldonado
Doug Morris
Carol Mullins
Benjamin & Barbara Parker
Jack Raba & Suzanne Muellman
Scott & Grace Rappe
Paul & Mary Rook
Jake & Stephanie Russell
Tim & Kelly Russell
Frank & Irene Scholer
Stan & Jay Showalter
Tom & Kathy Stillman
Karen & Tom Tarpley
William Wagner
Lawrence & Felicia Wilhelm
Reinhard & Patricia Abram
Fakhruddin & Mary Adamji
Linda Anderson & Paul Cromheecke
Rich Anselmo
Don Ashley
Warren & Deborah Baker
Richard & Nancy Baum
Glynis Benbow-Niemier & Tom Niemier
Larry & Dawn Bergman
Ingrid & Philip Berman
Joel & Carole Bernstein
Michael & Carol Bilder
Aileen Blackwell
Randal & Julie Bladel
Petras Blekys
Scott Bloom
Scott & Kris Bretl
Karen Brunner
Nora Buczek
Shirley Bumba
Edmond & Molly Burke
Mary Burke
Geordan Capes & Tim England
Thomas Cavenagh
Lindsey Clements
Phyllis & Dan Collins
Theresa Connolly
Eric Covert
Donna Danielson
Margo & Raoul Davion
Melanie Davis
James & Patricia Dayton
Mary de Jonge
David Derbyshire & Ellen LaFountain
Louis & Cathy Desenberg
Charles & Jill Deuser, II
Rita Dickey
George & Ann Dobie
William Duncan
Tom & Linda Dunne
Joy Durham
Anne Durkin
Mac Eblen
Louise Edison
Frank Edwards & Ann Williams
Douglas & Ellen Elrick
Barbara Engelbert
Luz & David Engman
John & Stephanie Epperson
Falatic’s Meat Market
Ashlyn Farley
Edward Feldman
Cookie Ferguson
Beverly Fields
Ann & Bob Flesvig
Tim & Gina Ford
Kristin Foster & Frank Davis
Nancy Fournier
Mary Alexis Fox
Jaime Frankle
Madalene Frazier
Becky Frederick
Karen & Bruce Gear
Nancy & Douglas Geisler
Nathan Geisler
Monica George
Jayne Gibson
Timothy Gilfoyle & Mary Rose Alexander
Charles & Olive Glaser
Daniel & Julie Glavin
Kelly Golding
James & Georgiana Gormley
Renee & Gerald Grilec
Jason Grunebaum
Beth & Armon Haagen
David Hall
Terry & Lorraine Hanover
Enrico & Amy Heirman
Marie Higgins
Greta & Bill Hurst
Harris Jackson
Phil Jacus
Mr. Avi & Dr. Jami Josefson
Matthew Jungclaus
Robert & Janet Kallberg
Lucy Kamau
John Karas
Linda & Bruce Kaskel
Susan Kavenaugh
John & Joanne Keefe
Ann & Casper Kelliher
Susan Kelly
Catherine & Stephen Kelso
Kregg Kiel
Geraldine & Patrick Kilcoyne
David & Frankie Kirby
Nancy Klos
Kathryn Krawczak
Jason & Michelle Kropp
Kevin Kutsch
Helen Landes
Eric & Audrey Lester
Elizabeth Lindau & Jeff Dunlap
Kent & Lauri Lindquist
Brooke & Stephen Long
Sunny Lopez
Bill Lucas
Cinnamin Malone
Rachel Maranto
Vince & Holly Maranto
Joe & Mary Margol
Matt & Carol Martin
Marge Mauer
Ken & Barb Mazierek
Susan & Jack McGrail
Diana Meckley
Susan Mercieri
Gabriella Meredith
Paul & Karen Miret
Christina Mociuk
Jack Murchie & Carol Becker
Bill & Donna Neill
Tom & Brooke Nelson
Patricia Nemeth
Jim & Diane Nothnagel
Thomas & Debbie Novak
Susan O’Brien
Mimi & David Olson
Paul Oosterbrug
Peter & Susan Osnos
Margaret Overton
Chase Owens
Linda Parapetti
Susan Parsons
Emily Patrick
Karen & George Petraitis
Bette Pierman
Gunner Piotter & Alan Johnston
Bonnie & Ken Pletcher
Joanne Postema
Kenneth & Cyndy Priest
Kari Pullins
Patricia Putnam
Elizabeth Raven
Susan & Ed Ravine
Robert & Deborah Render
Dawn Rice
Robin Richards
Ravi Ricker & Cheryl Noel
Ellen Rosin
Jeffrey Ross
John & Roxanne Rudolph
Erin Saylor
Gary & Rebecca Schaffer
Peggy Schaffer
Marcy & Daniel Schlessinger
Lisa Sharmat
Maureen & Jerry Shekleton
Nancy Sheila Simonian
Marie Sinioris
Lewis & Ellen Smith
Nathan Smith-Manley
Howard Speizer
Ronald Steeves
Hugh & Susan Stevens
David Stevenson
Kingman Strohl
Lee & Karen Strohl
Linda Strohl
Paul & Anne Stumpf
Brian Summers
Gene & Carole Svebakken
Anne Tenerelli
Margaret Thompson
Meta Rose Torchia
Edward & Adrienne Traisman
Trudy Turner
Alene Valkanas
Tana Vaughn & Don Meyer
Charles von Weise
Nancy & Richard Weichler
Nicollette Wands
Barbara Warren
Jeff Wegerson
Mary Jane Welter
Pat Werhane
Mary & Jim White
Philip & Paula White, Jr.
Thomas White & Lynn Taylor
Richard & Jamee Wiet
Patricia & Jay Wilcoxen
Eileen Willenborg & Jane Melnick
Joanna Williams
John Timothy Wixted & Ana Clelia Vincenti
Gary & Leslie Wood
Judy Wright
Jon Wuepper
Shelley Young
John R. Bolt; from Merry Bolt
David & Susan Eblen; from Mac Eblen and Susan Parsons
Susan Flynn; from Ashlyn Farley
Brandon Grilec; from Renee & Gerald Grilec
The Long Family; from Brooke & Stephen Long
The Manthey Family; from Benjamin Manthey
Pat & Ellie Mullins; from Mary Anne Mullins
Rose Parisi & Donald Meckley; from Diana Meckley
George & Andrea Platz; from Tim & Ann Walsh
Linda Puvogel & Michael O’Halloran; from Edmond and Molly Burke
Philip Ruddy; from John & Carmen Cordogan
Larry Shulman & Rhonda Rochambeau; from Robert Tomes & Cynthia Zeltwanger
Linda Strohl; from Kingman Strohl
Jack Clough; from Elizabeth Clough
William Collings; from Kathleen & Richard Schillo
Bob Davis; from Melanie Davis
Robert Douglass; from Teresa Douglass
Don & Rosemary Flinn; from Charles & Olive Glaser
Robert Foster; from Kristin Foster & Frank Davis
H. James Fox; from Mary Fox
Michael Heckathorn; from Rigel Barber, Karen & Bruce Gear, Nancy & Douglas Geisler, John McKee, Paul & Karen Miret, James Parsons, Gary & Rebecca Schaffer, Anne Tenerelli, and Frank & Janis Tomecek
Rehn Hitschler; from Margaret Thompson
Michael Housler; from Kari Pullins
Gregory Kaiser; from Daniel & Julie Glavin
Henry Klos; by Nancy Klos
Helen Landes; from JoAnne Beertema
Minn Lecker; from Lee & Lisa Bloom
Remy Marton; from Adam & Julie Marton
Tom McGrath; from Peggy McGrath
Larry Merritt; from Meryle Merritt
Stig & Aina Momquist; from Anna-Maria Adair
Stephen Mullins; from Carol Mullins
George & Gladys Novy; from Gail Chapman
Elizabeth Oostenbrug; from Paul Oostenbrug
Jean & Richard Quinn; from John & Jeaneane Quinn
CDR David Crockett Ray; from Laura Ray
Vic Reiling; from Marie Higgins
Edward E. Rook; from Paul Rook
Jerry Schaffer; from Peggy Schaffer
Roberta A. Steeves; from Ronald Steeves
Bea Takeuchi; from Elizabeth Lindau & Jeff Dunlap
Chris Thompson; from Matt & Carol Martin
Peter Wind; from Scott & Kris Bretl
Mike Wright; from David & Dale Clarke and Judy Wright
Dean, Harold, & Lovie Zeiger; from Dawn Rice