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Fall Photo Contest | October 1 - November 8

Registration is open for our annual Fall Photo Contest! Take photos on any COL preserve for a chance to be featured in our Gallery Hike next spring.

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October Stewardship Day | 10.12.24

Help us control barberry at one of our fan-favorite properties. Clearing this invasive plant will create space for more native plants to thrive!

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Save the Date: Enchanted Forest Returns | 10.24.24

Our annual spooktacular Halloween event will be held on October 24. Ft. pumpkin painted and trick-or-treating through an Enchanted Forest.

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Chikaming Open Lands is the local land conservancy dedicated to preserving the open spaces and natural rural character of southwest Berrien County.

We protect and restore native plant and animal habitat in the area, improve water quality in our rivers, streams and in Lake Michigan, and permanently preserve ecologically significant forests, prairies and wetlands, as well as prime farmland and other open spaces in this community